How Setting Intentions Has Drastically Improved My Life (and can for you, too)
Creating an intention is declaring what you desire. Knowing in your heart that you’re worthy of this desire and how it will positively affect everyone around you. This simple act is so powerful and it works.
In case you’re new to intention setting, I wanted to share my recent intentions and how they came to be because perhaps they can work for you, too
In the midst of the pandemic, my business closed down, the kids were home and I was unexpectedly pregnant with my third babe - I could hardly wrap my brain around what was happening and felt anything but CALM, for months. So after a dark 2-3 months, around May, I was over it and made a plan.
I created the intention TO FEEL CALM AND PEACEFUL - how simple right? But simply, and over and over again I would declare I wanted to FEEL CALM AND PEACEFUL. I would envision how that would feel with three kids. What it could actually look like. What kind of Mom I would be if I truly felt calm and at peace. It was a beautiful vision where I was running around after my kids at the beach, I was laughing, I wasn’t bothered by the mess (still working on this one). I feel finally at peace (not every moment silly, but many).
When Bodhi was born on 11/22 he brought additional calm and peace to our family. It’s odd to think about a newborn bringing peace, but he has. He’s now 4 months old and a wave of calm and peace has come over me all because I set the intention to feel calm and peaceful. The beautiful vision of this calm and peaceful version of me has guided me through the times when I haven’t felt so calm or peaceful (happens daily). I know that version of me is possible, because I can see her in my dream. Little by little, it’s working.
As Bodhi became a part of our family - I knew in order to keep the calm and peaceful feelings, I needed SUPPORT and to FEEL supported. So my new intention became I AM SUPPORTED. Supported with a village around us to help us raise these kids, supported emotionally by my husband, and supported overall by the Universe* (and trusting it’s guidance).
Over and over again I would ask for support. I wrote on my mirror I AM SUPPORTED and said it each morning when washing my face. I thought about what that would feel like - look like. I started to write down my ideal support system in detail down to the daily schedule. After a few months, I am proud to say I now feel completely supported in all areas of family life, and I did this on a limited budget by getting a little creative.
We share care with another family while the kids are homeschooling. I hired a local high schooler to help engage my big girls after school so I can rest (to remain calm and peaceful). And most recently, I felt supported by my husband when I decided to go back to work - and hire a nanny for Bodhi before I figured out said work. We found a nanny share which better fit our budget and I’m just digging into what the future of my work will look like. I have never felt so SUPPORTED and it feels SO GOOD.
My latest intention? I AM OPEN TO RECEIVE ABUNDANCE. I feel calm, I am supported and now, I’m ready for all of this work to come back to me and spread the abundance around.
Since starting this intention, I have *randomly received a free vacation, started a wonderful new nanny, a licensing deal off a cute video of my kids, upleveled conversations with friends (because I just can’t small talk) and lots of meaningful meetings in my new consulting business Karen Cook Creative. It’s happening! I can feel it coming...I just have to stay patient and enjoy the flow. Be grateful for what IS working (like my husband out right now with the kids and a sleeping babe) plus remain CALM and PEACEFUL while the rest unfolds. Easy right? Haha, I laugh. Not easy, but a little easier (and better) every day.
So here's what I ask of you:
This weekend there's a brand New Moon in Dream Season which is the best time to create intentions. What’s your intention for the year, the week or even just for TODAY?
Take any of these for a spin - you know which one you need most:
• I am joyful and playful
• I am rested and ready
• I am happy and loving
I’d love to hear from you. If you need any help with your Intentions (your dreams) Dream Sessions are happening now. Doors close Sunday for the Free Dream Session on my podcast (hit reply and message me). One on one Dream {envisioning and enacting} Sessions are still available. See more here.
Wishing you a weekend of calm and peace (amongst all the other crazies) this weekend.
PS: I'm writing this in my PJs while babe 3 takes a long nap and Chris takes the girls to a class and Costco (feeling grateful, peaceful & calm)
Need a little boost in the Dream department? Here's where to jump into the conversation:
FOLLOW on Instagram stories for daily tips and inspiration
READ more on the blog about Dream Chasing and some tips toward living your personal dream life
LISTEN to The Gone Wyld Podcast. I've dropped 4 mini episodes about dreams I've tackled and how (more to come). Dream chasing has become a lifestyle and I highly recommend it. Subscribe to the podcast to listen!
AND If you want some one-on-one motivation to go after your dream life - I'm now offering Dream Sessions. Find out how to get a FREE Dream Session here.