We were proud to be featured on this inspirational morning talk show. Founder Karen Cook spoke about our family retreats and why it is so important for families to pause and reconnect during our busy, modern lives.
Check out our upcoming local events
in North County San Diego.
As parents, we often feel overwhelmed by the ‘juggle’ of daily life, and somewhere in the middle of all that we can easily lose our true identities. We forget to do those simple things that make us happiest. We don’t prioritize the things we’ve always loved to do. The Wyldflower Collective is on a mission to help you change that.
Wildflowers grow in community with other wildflowers, with the common goal of not only surviving, but thriving. It’s why we chose wildflowers to help brand our community.
We changed the “I” in Wildflower to “Y” to remind you that YOU matter.
Your needs, those things that bring YOU joy, matter. You don’t have to be a solitary “I” feeling like you’re alone on your parenthood journey. The “Y” represents our collective You - our community of like-minded parents. And, it’s an invitation to integrate the “old You” and the “new You,” and to feel welcome just being yourself.
We hope you’ll join our community at The Wyldflower Collective to experience our intentional and creative experiences designed with you in mind…to help you reconnect to You and enjoy your life and family even more.
Karen believes if parents find time to reconnect with themselves, their partners and their friends, they'll be happier in all aspects of their lives and will be better parents, spouses, and people in general. When our children see us take care of ourselves, it sends the message that the world is bigger than just them and that we all matter. Parents matter.
Karen’s background in design, art direction and photography brings these events together in a way that's professional, fun and creative.
E M A I L M E !
I truly love hearing from you. If what I’m doing touches you, tell me. I’m just Mom behind this computer who loves real engagement.
Also, I’m always seeking collaboration
opportunities with other women entrepreneurs.
Let’s go for a beach walk and discuss.
Stay Wyld.