wyld & free momma

A 4 week group coaching program to inspire and support an unconventional motherhood movement.
Where Moms are free to choose the path that feels good for YOU, not someone else’s. 

Hosted by Karen cook

Having a hard time? You’re not alone. Motherhood IS HARD but you know what - YOU deserve a motherhood journey that feels good to you. Maybe it’s unconventional and that’s ok.

In this 4-week container, join in any month for once a week inspirational calls for support, accountability and a little dreaming of YOUR best version of motherhood. Plus an on-going WhatsApp group for support.

Choose your month!

JUNE: Wednesdays at 8PM PST

JULY: Wednesdays at 4PM PST

4 inspirational calls in 4 weeks + a group chat for ongoing support + exclusive resources for you

Week 1: Compassion - Remembering who we are and all we do
Week 2: Space - creating space to get clear on your ideal visions
Week 3: Action - Creating an action plan to move more smoothly through motherhood
Week 4: Accountability & Support
