Wyld Family Meals

Wyld Family Meals
A truly relaxed family friendly dining experience.
Where are the family friendly places that parents can actually eat, have a coffee or drink, watch live music and the kids can play happily in eye’s view? The pickings are slim! That’s why we decided to partner with local businesses to bring you Wyld Family Meals. Created for Parents, Perfect for Kids.
A truly relaxed family friendly dinner atmosphere - once a month
Where are the family friendly restaurants that parents can actually eat dinner, have a drink and the kids can play happily in eye’s view? The pickings are slim! That’s why we decided to partner with local restaurants to bring you the Wyldflower Family Supper Club. The Wyldflower Collective will reserve a designated family area at a local restaurant and provide toys and activities for your kids to enjoy together while you eat a warm dinner and finish a full sentence. Kids are welcome to eat at the Kids table. No more “stay in your seat” on repeat. $20 for one child, $30 for two, third + child free. Includes toys and activities to keep them entertained. Save your spot!