Resources on how to talk about Race with Children
As parents, it’s our moral duty to discuss racial unfairness with our kids (of any age) so they grow up to stand up for what’s right and not be silent. But how? Here are some expert resources to help guide you on the conversation. Bookmark this page and come back anytime you need a refresher or a jumping off point.
Image: The Indigo Bunting for Cup of Joe
Words from the Experts
“We can only end racism by talking with all of our children about how it unfair it is, by admitting that all of us have a tendency to judge people based on appearance, by pointing out the terrible cost to people of color but also to our entire society, and by teaching our children that treating all people fairly matters.” Dr Laura, Aha Parenting
Aha Parenting - Talking with Children about Racism - Police Brutality and Protests - Tangible Tips / Raising Race Conscious Children
“Something you may say to a young child: “We live in a world that’s unfair. People are not treated the same all the time, and that has to do with how we look sometimes. People who are white don’t have to worry about this, but people who are black do sometimes. We’re treated differently based on our skin tone; we don’t want the world to be like that, and it’s important to us to stand up to this. We don’t want to live in a world where people who are black aren’t safe.” The concept of fairness and unfairness is a very tangible thing for a three- or four-year-old!” Sachi Feris of Race Conscious
NPR - Talking Race with Young Children
Dr. Jennifer Harvey - Author of Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America
“Most white parents of today came up in families in which white silence (at best) was a pervasive norm in our socialization. These same parents are now passing such silence on to our kids, in turn.
And silence has many forms.
Sometimes it sounds like "everybody's equal." Sometimes we white parents tell our kids, "be colorblind." Sometimes we even say, "celebrate diversity!" (We say this while failing to notice we're expecting children to be magically immune from the same racism-induced tensions that get in the way of white adults successfully navigating diversity and sustaining interracial relationships).” Dr. Jennifer Harvey
Dr. Harvey Video:
7 Minute Interview:
Dr. Harvey articles
Washington Post / How Silence Can Breed Prejudice
“It may be difficult to initiate these conversations if you are not used to it, but sticking to simple facts and information children can easily understand can make it easier.”
“Silence about race removes the opportunity for children to learn about diversity from their parents and puts it in the hands of media and misinformed peers. Television, moves, and video games are full of stereotypes, and over time children pick up on these.“
Upcoming Webinars
June 8th
Tough Talks: Unpacking White Privilege & Raising Anti-Racist Children
July 5th
Webinar by
Additional resources
Medium - This is what I told my 4 year old
Pretty Good Design - Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race
Children’s Books - 26 Children's Books to support conversations on race and racism
Books for Littles - Racial Diversity
For Purpose Kids Book Club
Karen Cook is a mom of two young girls living with her husband and family in Southern California. Founder and Chief Experience Officer of The Wyldflower Collective - a parent focused community providing joy-filled events and family retreats with an on-site supervised kids club - so we can catch a breath. Parents have the hardest job in the world - we’re here to support you along the way. Follow us at: